Penguins and Cocoa

Penguins by the fire

The holidays are upon us, and we are usually so busy that we don’t have time to enjoy them. After baking and decorating these cute cookies I want you to sit down by the fireplace, and enjoy your hard work with a nice cup of hot cocoa. Stop and take in the season. Look at the beautifully decorated Christmas tree that you worked so hard on decorating. Love it! Enjoy it!

I found a pretty easy recipe to make these penguin cookies. Bonus, you can make snowmen the same way! Use two different size round cookie cutters. Size will depend on how big or small you want your cookies to be. After baking decorate with royal icing. The cookies and cocoa shown here are What Next – Wintertime Cocoa & Cookies.

Sweetopia has a great recipe for The Perfect Peanut Butter Cut Out Cookie. If you don’t want to make peanut butter cookies you can do any type. Her article has great tips on how to keep the shape of the cookie. Definitely go take a look for step by step instructions.

Penguin Cookies and Cocoa

Recipe after the break! Continue reading Penguins and Cocoa